My theory about the game: After Alaska was bought by the United States, the Americans form a military organization there and conduct dangerous research to create next generation robots and stronger than weapons to fight with Russia in a and the protagonist is a Russian soldier who was dispatched in Alaska to investigate the case, so the Americans knowing this resolve to fight it but they can not and then after the destruction of the last most powerful robot (which would be the last boss of the game) the Russian soldier go away completing the mission and then both countries resolve to remain without doing searches one near the others.
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When will the next HIB be? Is there like a set date, like once every month, or is it just random?
Is there any website or person that maybe saves a few sells them for a bit more? Please contact me asap.
Hi Indie Game Bundle Community.
We saw that a new site is being set up elsewhere, and we're sad to see that some users in this community want to move away from Wikia.
A few notes:
- Please do not link to your new wiki on the main page of this Wikia site. We've removed the Twitter feed from the main page since it included links to the new site. It's OK to link to a local blog post or other discussion, but that can't be a permanent notice.
- Please make sure that any messaging in local blogs or other discussions clearly says that people have a choice to move with you or to stay.
- Please do not use this Wikia site to promote your new fork. This includes templates, notices or URLs on pages other than the announcement.
- Please do not mass-post to users' Message Walls with messages about the fork. We look on this just as you would have, if someone came here in the past, and started leaving mass messages about another site on Walls.
- Please do not try to delete pages, change fundamental elements of the site, or otherwise damage the content. The wiki should be left intact and available for any future editors to use.
Also, a note to the admins:
In the past, we have had problems with admins moving to a new fork, but also staying and trying to influence the direction of the Wikia site they have left. We haven't removed rights from departing admins, unless they have tried to harm the wiki or use it to promote their own, but there can be a serious conflict of interest in trying to run what will become two competing wikis. Because of these problems, I would ask that those who have chosen to leave remove their admin rights at Special:UserRights. This will also make it clearer to any future editors who to contact if they need help (Wikia staff will be available for that until new admins are found).
Can this be included somewhere? I think it's of general use to bundle buyers since there often is no email sent or notice given when a Steam or Desura key gets added to a bundle later.
From KaiserTroll123 at the Steam Powered Users Forum:
Greenlit games that gave keys :
Waking Mars (Humble Bundle for Androïd 4)
Postal 2 (Groupees' BeMine 3)
Airbuccaneers (Groupees' BeMine Anniversary / GG IndieFort bundle)
Kenshi (GG IndieFort bundle)
Gnomoria (IGS)
Towns (IR's Alpha Collection)
Anodyne (Humble store)
DLC Quest (IR's St. Patrick's Day and Chosen bundles)
Mc Pixel (dev site ?)
Greenlit games for which we are hoping to get keys :
La-Mulana (Groupee's Build a Greenlight Bundle)
Dawn of Fantasy (Groupee's Bemine 6)
Unepic (IR's July Jubilee Bundle)
Perpetuum (Greelight Bundle 2)
Non greenlight games that gave keys :
Cortex Command (Humble Indie Bundle 2)
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space (IGS / IR's May Hurray Bundle)
Postal (IG 2, Groupee's Build a Bundle 2)
Dead Pixel (IR's Graduation Bundle)
The Journey Down : Chapter one (IGS / IR's Summer Bundle)
Non greenlight games for which we are hoping to get keys :
Wake 2013 (IR's Valentine's Bundle 2.0)
Lunnye Devitsy 2013 (IR's Valentine's Bundle 2.0)
I disagree on the non-inclusion of Indie Game Stand. Their site and deals are of general interest for indie bundle buyers and not putting it here limits the usefulness of this site to me as sort of a one stop shop for indie deals.
It's worth noting if you pay over a certain amount, usually $10, they do let you bundle up several games.