Indie Game Bundle Wiki
Pricing PWYW with minimum
Charity amount Variable, Unspecified
  • Child's Play
  • Feed Them With Music
  • Polar Bears International
  • 4Nathalie
  • charity: water
  • Mercy Corps
  • Unicef
  • War Child International
  • Make a Wish
  • Sandy Hook School Support Fund
  • Care
  • Kaedyn Ballew
  • Children of Ukraine
  • Haiti's Homeless Orphanage
  • American Red Cross
  • WWF
  • Pets As Therapy
  • Scannappeal

Groupees had been providing music deals that support charity for a while before putting out their first game bundle. They stand out from the other indie game bundles in the way they add bonuses. They set specific goals for total amount paid by all purchasers, then everyone gets the bonus when the goal is reached. Bonuses usually include games and music and have even included graphic novels and films.


Groupees has released the following game-focused bundles so far:

  1. Girl Talk + Beat Hazard
  2. Black Moth Super Rainbow & Multiwinia
  3. InMomentum & DILOGUS Insider Bundle
  4. Bob + Ittle Dew Insider Bundle
  5. Be Mine Indie Game Bundle
  6. Be Mine 2 Bundle
  7. Build a Bundle
  8. Be Mine 3
  9. Build a Bundle 2
  10. Be Mine 4
  11. Build a Bundle 3
  12. Be Mine 5
  13. The Bundle of the Damned
  14. Build a Bundle 4
  15. Be Mine 6
  16. Build a Greenlight Bundle
  17. Kiss Groupee
  18. Digital Tribe Groupee
  19. Be Mine Anniversary
  20. Digital Game Factory Groupee
  21. Wadjet Eye Groupee
  22. Build a Bundle 5
  23. Retro Groupee
  24. Alpha Funding Groupee
  25. TopWare Interactive Groupee
  26. Build a Greenlight Bundle 2
  27. 1C Groupee
  28. Build a Meridian4
  29. Be Mine 8
  30. Sherlock Holmes Charity Game Bundle
  31. Build a Meridian4 Pt. 2
  32. Build a Bundle 6
  33. Groupees Community Bundle
  34. Bundle of the Undead
  35. Build a Greenlight Bundle 3
  36. Adventure / RPG Groupee
  37. Let's Build a Doujin Bundle!
  38. Build a Meridian4 Mega Bundle
  39. Be Mine 9
  40. Capsule Computers Groupee
  41. Be Mine Special Edition
  42. Kiss Groupee 2
  43. The Steampunk Groupee
  44. Build a Bundle 7
  45. Kiss 2 Reloaded
  46. Casual Groupee
  47. Build a 1C Mega Bundle
  48. Let's Build a Doujin Bundle 2!
  49. Bundle of the Damned 2
  50. Build a Greenlight Bundle 4
  51. Be Mine X
  52. Build a Marmalade Bundle
  53. Build a Mumbo Jumbo Bundle
  54. Capsule Computers Bundle 2
  55. Indie Bundle
  56. Shiny Loot Bundle
  57. Holiday Helpings
  58. Retro 2
  59. Be Mine 11
  60. Steampunk 2


Weekly one game sale on a game currently in Steam Greenlight

  1. Arcane Worlds
  2. Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf / Dead Bits
  3. Air Control