Indie Game Bundle Wiki
Indie Royale
Pricing PWYW with minimum
Charity amount None

Indie Royale released new bundles more frequently than anyone else and was run jointly by and Desura. Their bundles include separate keys for activating each game on Steam and Desura, and DRM-free downloads when available. The minimum bundle price goes up as more people buy at the minimum, while choosing to pay more than the minimum lowers the minimum price.


Indie Royale has released the following bundles so far:

  1. The Launch Bundle
  2. The Difficult 2nd Bundle
  3. The Really Big Bundle
  4. The Xmas Bundle
  5. The New Year's Bundle
  6. The Serious Sam Lightning Pack
  7. The Valentine's Bundle
  8. The Alpha Collection #1
  9. The St. Patrick's Day Bundle
  10. The Ninja Lightning Pack
  11. The April Fools Bundle
  12. The Spring Bundle
  13. The May Hurray Bundle
  14. The All-Charity Lightning Pack
  15. The Graduation Bundle
  16. The June Bug Bundle
  17. The Summer Bundle
  18. The July Jubilee Bundle
  19. The Gone Fishin' Bundle
  20. The Getaway Bundle
  21. The Back to School Bundle
  22. The Oktoberfest Bundle
  23. The Fall Bundle
  24. The Halloween Bundle
  25. The Harvest Bundle
  26. The Stuffing Bundle
  27. The Winter Bundle
  28. The Xmas Bundle 2.0
  29. The Replay Bundle Vol. 1
  30. The Snow Storm Bundle
  31. The Evolved Bundle
  32. The Valentine's Bundle 2.0
  33. The Chosen Bundle
  34. The Mash Bundle
  35. The Debut Bundle
  36. The Thoughtful Bundle
  37. The Mighty Bundle
  38. The Spring Sun Bundle
  39. The Debut 2 Bundle
  40. The Lunar Bundle
  41. The Mayhem Bundle
  42. The Hammerhead Bundle
  43. The Arclight Bundle
  44. The Chosen 2 Bundle
  45. The Spiral Groove Bundle
  46. The Debut 3 Bundle
  47. The Indie Gamer Chick Bundle
  48. The Starry Nights Bundle
  49. The Prairie Dog Bundle
  50. The Debut 4 Bundle
  51. The Back to School 2 Bundle
  52. The Golden Jubilee Bundle
  53. The Alaska Bundle
  54. The Debut 5 Bundle
  55. The Birthday Bundle
  56. The MumboJumbo Bundle
  57. The Halloween 2 Bundle
  58. The Debut 6 Bundle
  59. The Sigma Bundle
  60. The Debut 7 Bundle
  61. The Gaming Tuesday Bundle
  62. The Nutcracker Bundle

Daily Royale[]

Daily Royale is an offshoot of Indie Royale which offers time-limited deals on indie games.


On June 12, 2012 Indie Royale introduced rewards for each five Indie Royale bundles owned. There had been 15 Indie Royale bundles released at the time the rewards were introduced, making the 15-bundle reward only available to those who owned every bundle (until more bundles were released, of course).
